Finance Road Map

Finance Road Map

Our Finance Road Map is a detailed and actionable plan that ensures your business is on a strong financial footing for success- either for you to continue running, or in preparation for a sale. Often business finances are left as an output of other business activities, but when properly managed they can be a source of significant competitive advantage. By making sure you not only have proper line of sight over the financial performance of your business, but also an action plan for the future you may find your business in a much stronger position to grow and/or sell.

What's in the Road Map?

Our Finance Road Map is a detailed and actionable plan that ensures your business is on a strong financial footing for success- either for you to continue running, or in preparation for a sale.

Often business finances are left as an output of other business activities, but when properly managed they can be a source of significant competitive advantage. By making sure you not only have proper line of sight over the financial performance of your business, but also an action plan for the future you may find your business in a much stronger position to grow and/or sell.

What Will It Do For You?

  • Enable a thorough understanding of the current financial picture of your business.
    • Balance sheet
    • Unit economics
    • Cash conversion cycle
  • Provide you with tools to track key metrics, and plan for the future
    • Dashboards
    • Reporting tools
  • Portential access to funding routes via partners for equity and debt funds

Who Is It For?

The Finance Road Map has been designed specifically for small and medium sized businesses with the following characteristics:

  • Desire to sell within the next 24 months
  • Motivated to achieve maximum exit valuation possible
  • Trading for 10+ years
  • £1-50M Revenue
  • Profitable

What Makes the Finance Road Map So Effective?

Not only will it make your business more attractive and more valuable to a potential buyer, but it will also put you on a more secure footing in the meantime. Greater visibility over finances, access to additional capital and a detailed plan for the future can increase not just cash available today, but growth opportunities for the future as well.

What Will It Cost?

Time & money